Monday, September 30, 2013

My Teacher, My Hero

My Teacher, My Hero

                       Why that is our teachers are our heroes? There are so many people out there but why is that the teachers are whom we usually call as our hero?
                        Except our parents, our teachers are one of our superheroes. Yes they are our second parents and our second home is here in school. We say that they are our hero because they are the one who protect, love and care for us when we are in school. Even though they are lacking out of patience, they are still there for us to educate. They do everything. They're not even getting tired to teach us even if we, students are always crazy and noisy. They appreciated all our efforts and abilities inside the campus. Thank you our dear teachers because you guided us and help us during the troublesome times in our lives. Even if they sleep late at night, they always that energy to deal with us and discussed all the time. Our teachers are more than a hero to us. They are superheroes. Even if they can’t fly like superheroes to save our life, they had their knowledge to teach us and make us a successful person and their knowledge saves us from being 
                      Without our teachers, there will be no doctors, nurses, architects or others and that, they call teachers as our heroes. And because of that, I'm proud to say that my Teacher is my hero! 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Gutom at Malnutrition 
Sama-sama natin Wakasan

                                      Malnutrition? What comes to your mind when you heard the word malnutrition? Malnutrition is a faulty nutrition due to inadequate or imbalanced intake of nutrients of their impaired assimilation or utilization.
                                      These year, many Filipinos out there are malnourished because of poverty. There are many children out there who are starving for food because their parents don't have enough work for them to have food. They usually eat once a day and not trice a day. There are many children who are roaming around the Plaza, along the highways of wherever for them to find food which was being eaten by flies and grab it without knowing if that food is clean and safe enough for them to eat. And that's the start of being malnourished and sickly. Then there must be the accompaniment of their parent to guide them not to walk in a wrong way. So, many people especially children are malnourished nowadays. Some case is that, they don't eat fruits, vegetables and other nutritious food. They usually eat chichiryas, junk foods, and other food that are not nutritious that may lead to sickness and malnutrition. These"Gutom at Malnutrition sama-sama natin Wakasan" is the theme of the nutrition month celebration. It states that we, all of us have the right to deprive hunger and malnutrition here in our country so that all of us will be healthy. We shall eat fruits and vegetable so that we will be far from sickness and far from being malnourished.
                                       I, as a student of ISNHS, I shall convince people especially the children to eat nutritious food. And we, all of us will join forces to deprive hunger and malnutrition here in our country.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Science Theme

               Have you ever notice our environment today? Is it healthy or not? How can we control some people whose purpose is to make our environment unhealthy and polluted? What can we do as a leader today?
               Today, our environment is not healthy because some people don't know the meaning of the 3R's, the Reuse, Reduce, Recycle. Ever if they saw scattered wrappers of candies in the ground, they will just passed that candy wrappers or that crumpled papers. Why are some people like this? They don't know the importance of this environment to their life. if all the natural resources in our environment  will be gone because of the wrong habits of our fellows, we will no longer live in a healthy environment but we will live in a disastrous environment. Biodegradable, non- biodegradable and special waste is here for us to separate our waste but why is that it's always polluted? It's because some people  doesn't know how to separate this. The problem is us, we don't even think of whether our habits are already bad, we don't mind it as long as we're not hurt but we don't know that the Mother Earth is the one who suffers our bad habits?
                It is not the end. Today, its our time to make this change, to make our environment healthy and make the best we can to build the solutions to all the problems that causes our environment unhealthy. We can do this by having this so called "COOPERATION". We can be a leader in our own way. We are all leaders, but we are lack in doing this so called "ACTION". Everyone of us can be a leader to discover the solution and do the action to stop this global disorders. We can build a new environment which full of nutrients and make this world healthy to live by the people doing good habits to our MOTHER EARTH.

Monday, September 9, 2013

My Modern Day Hero

My Hero

                        Hero, if we heard the word hero, some people simply says Batman, Superman, Darna or other super heroes but are they totally a hero? Yes, they are a hero because we all know that hero saves are life in danger like what we usually watch at TV but are they the only heroes we use to call on?
                        For me, are usually call my parents as my hero because they are very supportive loving and caring to me and to my sister. My parents do everything for us to educate and to have a brighter life in the near future. They are making sure that we are safe enough in going to school. During the troublesome times of my life, when problem comes they are always there to comfort me and give their tight hug for me to stay calm and help me arise my problems. As a hero, they saves when I'm down and helps me to stand up and face the challenges that comes.
                        Even though they can’t fly like super heroes just to save the life of other people, my parents use their hand just to hold my hand and show how they protect and love me.